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Society Fundamentals Project

At the risk of sounding pretentious, I would like to announce to the Odinist community that I sincerely believe that we are reaching the dawn of a new era for our faith. We are seeing new ideas evolve like never before, with excellent researches being published which give us a newfound hope that the hierology of the Odinist religion can once again be presented in a pure form, completely devoid of Christian and Classical influences. We have the blueprint for such a bold venture; we only need now to put all of the pieces together. In a few years we should see books published that could change the way Odinists and non-Odinists view our sacred way of life. This new revolution, if I may call it that, is going to at last put the venerable writings of our religion into our hands, made for our people, by our people.

Do you know who will be at the forefront of this revolution? You. That's right, every single member of Odin's Nation is being called upon to play his or her role in this, for without the backing of our folk, progress is impossibility. The only thing that will be required of you is an open mind and a dedication to move our faith forward. Why is this so important? Because The Norroena Society is developing a project in accordance with a systematic approach for reconstructing our religion, the likes of which may require a paradigm shift for many. Accepting change is difficult for a lot of people, but this is absolutely necessary if we are to grow as a religion.

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Process of Re-Creation, The

The ultimate goal of The Norroena Society is to rebuild the Asatru faith in a way that will cleanse it of Christian influence and bias. From the work that we have done, combined with our plans for the future, we are confident that we will achieve this goal. It is important for everyone to know the process that will be used in this re-creation, so we all can understand the work as it progresses, the sources of our finds, and why certain elements are introduced. Hopefully with such a revealing system of ideas incorporated into our network we may be able to unite our people in accepting the validity of this work. After all, in the end the power is in your hands, whether or not we can establish our conclusions as part of the living culture of our faith is up to our folk. Obviously we won't be able to please everyone; all we can do is strive for the best possible results, managing each step forward as best we can for a common purpose.

The following ideas are meant to act as a general outline of the tools we plan to use in our "reformation". Not every fundamental will need all of them, though some will. We feel that by utilizing each of these we will have generated enough material to realize our goals in all of The Twelve Fundamentals.

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Goals of the Norroena Society

    1. To reprint and publish the original sixteen volumes of the Norroena Library collected by Rasmus Anderson.
    2. To host a forum for scholars and Odinists alike to share and debates various topics on the Teutonic traditions.
    3. To publish a series of works for Odinists, by Odinists focused on the re-establishment of each of the twelve fundamentals of Odin's culture: Lore/Theology, Pantheon, Prayer/Rital, Folk/Ancestry, Law, Nature, Diet, Music, Dance, Spirituality and Arts and Crafts. This shall begin with a new, purely heathen Edda.
    4. To set up guilds devoted specifically to the study of each of these twelve fundamentals.

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"Empty conjectures, born out of unbased comparisons, must not be allowed to rob us of our ancestors' heritage. If we are guilty of adorning this heritage with false ideas, then by all means let us throw away these undeserved adornments; but this must happen as a result of scientifically proven reasons, not as a result of passing whims."
- Viktor Rydberg