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society publishing department

Welcome to our Publishing Department. All publishings offered here are those that Mark & Katia Puryear & the Norroena Society have created, and are Published by iUniverse Publishings or by the Puryears(on limited basis). We have done all within our power to make these publications as affordable as possible for you, so please enjoy them.

The Nature of Asatru

The Nature of Asatru: An Overview of the Ideals and Philosophy of the Indigenous Religion of Northern Europe.
[Style - Paperback]

Mark Puryear (Author)

- Free Download of this books Introduction Chapter

- Free Download of the Gods & Goddesses Overview


Product Description

Ásatrú (AH-sa-troo), also called Odinism, is the native religion of the Teutonic peoples as embodied in the fundamentals of their cultural expressions. Much more than just a belief system, it encompasses every aspect of ancient Northern European society. This book is an attempt to explain the basic philosophic and moral ideals of this ancient way of life, while seeking to eliminate many of the misconceptions surrounding it.

Demonstrated here is the nature of a faith that has existed for centuries, in spite of numerous campaigns to suppress or destroy it by various powers. Once the reader learns the core values found within this creed, it is easy to recognize how it coincides with our notions of civilization and its evolution. It teaches inner strength and courage, as well as kindness and compassion. In introducing the positive, ethical standards Ásatrú has to offer, the aim here is to rekindle the primal spirit within us all.

“The author provides an in-depth introduction for those new to the folkway, yet gives much food for thought to the experienced practitioner. Sure to inspire deeper investigation of the various aspects of Ásatrú. Highly recommended.”

—Hengest Thorsson, The Odinic Rite

About the Author

Mark Puryear has practiced the Ásatrú religion for over 18 years, during which time he has dedicated himself to the study and promotion of its traditions and tenets. He and his wife, Katia, work together in rebuilding The Norroena Society, originally founded in the late 19th century by Rasmus Anderson.


Paperback: 276 pages
Publisher: iUniverse (March 22, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0595389643
ISBN-13: 978-0595389643
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.9 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars - 26 reviews total
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		3 star:                     (0) 
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		1 star: |||||               (5) 


The Asatru Edda

The Asatru Edda: Sacred Lore of the North
[Style - Paperback]

Mark Puryear (Author)

- Free Download of this books Introduction Chapter


Product Description

From the ashes arises the sacred lore of the North, the ancient stories and proverbial wisdom of the Ásatrú religion. Mighty Gods and fierce Giants battle in the never-ending struggle between order and chaos, while men seek honor and glory in the eyes of their beloved deities. After many years of research and piecing together sources, now comes the first known holy text ever presented for the Ásatrú faith. Giving these ancestral accounts in their true, epic form, The Ásatrú Edda is designed as a religious work by and for the men and women of this path. In reconstructing this sacred epic, the idea is to create a living storytelling tradition that will honor the legacy of the ancient Teutonic peoples, while providing an in-depth source of Ásatrú wisdom for our modern world.

About the Author

The Norroena Society was originally founded in the late 19th century by reknowned scholar and writer, Rasmus B. Anderson. Today, the Society has been reborn to present an alternative to mainstream academic treatments of Ásatrú traditions. Our goal is to continue the revival of this ancient belief system by offering a continually progressive scholarship aimed exclusively at rebuilding a religious foundation for our work. As we move forward, it is our sincerest hope that we shall spark the interests of all people everywhere in returning to their ancestral paths.


Paperback: 424 pages
Publisher: iUniverse (April 24, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1440131783
ISBN-13: 978-1440131783
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.2 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.8 out of 5 stars - 12 reviews total
		5 star: ||||||              (6) 
		4 star: |||                 (3) 
		3 star:                     (0) 
		2 star:                     (0) 
		1 star: |||                 (3) 

Note from Katia: I would like to add on a personal note that I understand that the book is expensive at $37.95. However please understand that the reason the book has been delayed for so long is because we have been in constant back and forth bickering with the publisher on ways to reduce the cost. This is a massive book. It is 8.5x11 (that's regular printer paper size!) and is near 500 pages. They originally wanted to retail the cost to $44.95 but we were able to decrease the font and spacing and get it down to the current price. Another sacrifice that we had to make was to remove the Index because it alone was over 100 pages. However, this will be released in the coming months in the form of a Study Guide which will also include ways to help people read and understand this text. It will be sold for less than $10 from us directly.

The Study Guide

The Asatru Edda Study Guide
[Style - Printable/Paperback]


Product Description

We at The Norroena Society have certainly recognized that this work can be challenging to any student of our faith. From the complex weaves of the epic storyline to the original spellings of foreign words and concepts, The Asatru Edda no doubt makes for a difficult read. It was never intended to be treated as a novel, to be read from cover to cover, but to become a part of our spiritual practice and used in religious study and worship for the Asatru/Odinist faith.

To assist with this, we have created a Study Guide that offers exercises and reference aids that will hopefully enlighten and inspire any who wish to more fully understand this body of lore.

The Study Guide is solely a supplement to our Edda, and in it you will find Study Questions, Vocabulary Exercises, a complete passage Index, and more. All of this is aimed at helping the reader in their quest for knowledge through the words and wisdom of our ancestors, and our beloved Gods and Goddesses.

This Study Guide is being offered for free download from our website. If you would like to order a paper version, please send $10 US currency by Paypal to This will cover our printing and shipping costs within the US and Canada.

About the Author

The Norroena Society was originally founded in the late 19th century by reknowned scholar and writer, Rasmus B. Anderson. Today, the Society has been reborn to present an alternative to mainstream academic treatments of Ásatrú traditions. Our goal is to continue the revival of this ancient belief system by offering a continually progressive scholarship aimed exclusively at rebuilding a religious foundation for our work. As we move forward, it is our sincerest hope that we shall spark the interests of all people everywhere in returning to their ancestral paths.

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"Empty conjectures, born out of unbased comparisons, must not be allowed to rob us of our ancestors' heritage. If we are guilty of adorning this heritage with false ideas, then by all means let us throw away these undeserved adornments; but this must happen as a result of scientifically proven reasons, not as a result of passing whims."
- Viktor Rydberg