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Society Research Articles Repository

“Welcome to The Norroena Society Research Repository, featuring a list of articles we feel are pertinent to the understanding and expression of our ancient belief system. Our goal here is to give our folk a basis with which we may be able to maintain a critical analysis of the lore and traditions we hold sacred. Anyone wishing to add to our collection is welcome to do so, though it must be understood that any and all articles will be carefully examined by the Society’s members to make sure all material meets the standards and goals we have established for our work. If you would like to contribute an article to our repository, please email it to us at

Digital Print Collection

An overview of the 'Germanic Mythology's Epic Order'

translated by william p. reaves © 2004 Download Complete File
The investigations I have presented for my readers, in their details and overall, provide evidence that the Germanic myths formed an epic, whose core...

The Role of Tyr

By Mark Puryear Download Complete File
Recently, we have come upon some evidence that has challenged what seems to be an established "fact" among our scholars. It has been said for years the Tyr...

Investigations into the Oera Linda Book

By Mark Puryear Download Complete File
"When The Oera Linda Book first came to light, around the middle of the nineteenth century, it was attacked forthwith from all quarters and denounced...

The Nyall Philosophy

By Mark PuryearDownload Complete File
As with all philosophies dealing with the principles of universal order we should begin our exploration of Helgi Pjeturss' Nyall Phiolosophy (which indeed...

Aegir & Ran: Defining the Face of Chaos

By Mark PuryearDownload Complete File
We as a religious community have been working diligently in reconstituting and re-establishing the sacred traditions that define who we are, define what path...

Hugrunar: "Thought Runes"

By Mark PuryearDownload Complete File
The following text, originally published under the title "The Meditative Paradigms of Seidr", has been passed around for several years amongst people...

The Poetic Edda - Bergmann's Translation

Icelandic Poems translated by F.G. Bergmann(1838)Download Complete File
Friedrich Wilhelm Bergmann, was a linguist, born in Strassburg on February 9th, 1812. He attended the academy there, where he earned his degree, "Bachelor.."

Harbardsljod & Lokasenna: Connections between the Two Poems

By Mark PuryearDownload Complete File
The purpose of this essay is to clearly define the relationship between the two Eddaic poems Harbardsljod and Lokasenna, while at the same time attempting to clear up some

Miscellanious Collection

English-Old Norse Dictionary

Compiled By Ross G. ArthurDownload Complete File
You could, of course, print it and then consult it just as you would consult any other dictionary. It might be more useful to you , however, to keep it as an electronic reference tool.

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"Empty conjectures, born out of unbased comparisons, must not be allowed to rob us of our ancestors' heritage. If we are guilty of adorning this heritage with false ideas, then by all means let us throw away these undeserved adornments; but this must happen as a result of scientifically proven reasons, not as a result of passing whims."
- Viktor Rydberg