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introduction to the norroena society

We at The Norroena Society are dedicated to the thorough and proper investigation of the ancestral traditions of Northern Europe as well as the promotion of our results and expansion of the Asatru faith. By keeping our hearts on the past, our minds in the present, and our eyes on the future we feel that we can maintain a strong institution of higher learning based upon a logical and spiritual understanding of our faith.

Our society is made up of loyal men and women who work as a synergistic whole to bring you a well researched and purely heathen body of customary beliefs. It is our mission to record, for the most part, rather than interpret the traditions of our ancestral path and we feel that we have the means to do so correctly. Interpretation is for the individual; it is up to each and every one of us to find the logic within our beliefs that fits one's own way without violating our laws.

Because of the conflicts we Asatruar have faced over the last few hundred years we are left with some burning questions which many of us feel must be answered; questions such as: How much of our lore was corrupted by the Christians who passed it on to us? Wwhat can we do to restore it to its former glory for us today? And is there anything we have left out of our religious lives?.

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In Homage to Rasmus Anderson

Even though The Norroena Society was originally a fictional organization invented by Rasmus Anderson to promote the Norroena Library he had collected, it is in honor of his vision that we continue its name. His goal was to educate people on the culture, history and religion of ancient Northern Europe with a collection of some of the best works on the subject. As an actual society, we aim to continue this legacy by developing various projects that will hopefully shed new light on our sacred heritage.

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"Empty conjectures, born out of unbased comparisons, must not be allowed to rob us of our ancestors' heritage. If we are guilty of adorning this heritage with false ideas, then by all means let us throw away these undeserved adornments; but this must happen as a result of scientifically proven reasons, not as a result of passing whims."
- Viktor Rydberg