In Memory of Bryan Knowles 1965 - 2001 The On-Line Memorial Service |
The text of the on-line memorial was kindly collected and sent to me by HelenWheels. |
when we all got together for dinner, after a lovely evening, he looked at
schnervel, who'm he'd spent the afternoon with and said, "man, these
people aren't nearly as old and dried up as you told me they were"
AliBaba AliBaba : where upon everyone completely lost it because they thought i was kidding about spewing on my keyboardAliBaba : it's my real drinking problem, you seeHelenWheels falls off the chair laughing birdman : lolBevRly has joined #urban_legends birdman : bev!IrateDwarf : (:tomc : Anyone know his other interests?JonnyT : hey BevHelenWheels : Bev!Manta snorts her lemonade back into the glass Manta : BEV!!BevRly greets AliBaba, birdman, Gibbie, HelenWheels, IrateDwarf, Jenn, Jon^North, JonnyT, :Manta, nuggie99, ROBERT_BAK, Tengu and tomc! Manta : He had been diving in the pastbirdman greets AliBaba, BevRly, Gibbie, HelenWheels, IrateDwarf, Jenn, Jon^North, JonnyT, :Manta, nuggie99, ROBERT_BAK, Tengu and tomc! birdman : woohoo!ROBERT_BAK : Hi Bev! My first-ever IRC session...birdman : yeah, I remember he liked divingIrateDwarf doesn't know how to greet IrateDwarf : Me too BAKbirdman : (it's a mac thing, ID)BevRly : Glad you made it RobertAliBaba : and another time when he came into town, he, Patrick and I had dinner together and he spent more time talking to Patrick and I about our stuff and lives than any time spent on his illness - got the impression he was trying to go on with life as usual and not spend a second feeling sorry for himself. That was Bryantomc : You could tell in his postsAliBaba : he was the same IRL as he was on the boards - kind, considerate and funny |
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