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What is "neoism"
World Bank

Race to the Bottom
Rich Nations
  • Germany
  • Holland
  • Britain
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Tunisia
    Eastern Europe
  • Poor Nations
    The Americas
    Alternatives and Proposals
    Give credit to:
    Z Magazine
    Noam Chomsky
    Susan George
    Co-Op America
    Amnesty International
    Gregory Palast
    Human Rights Watch
    Inter Press Service
    Electronic Policy Network
    American Prospect
    Steve Kangas RIP
    Mike Huben
    authors of
    Anarchist FAQ
    Public Citizen
    The Peoples Summits
    World Development Movement
    Global Exchange
    plus a few zillion others.
    Send Blame to:
    Art Sankey



    The Versilles Treaty

    The Versilles Threaty was basically an early IMF, with unpayable debts and austerity measures (this time at least including the military) being forced on Germany. The result was a depression that allowed the rise of Nazism.

    The Marshall Plan

    After the Versilles treaty prooved to be Hitlers greatest ally, the Marshall Plan was intended to ensure that the USSR would not have any discontent to exploit. Since the September 11th attacks, many have pointed out that today terrorists are also using suffering to gain sympathisers, just as the Stalinists and Nazis did before them. Todays leaders seem to have forgotten the lessons of the past, unless a few crumbs of food dropped in minefields counts as something.

    But Europeans already had skills, while the third world does not

    The Marshall plan did not only help skilled Europeans. Among the ten examples of aid on the Marshal Foundation web site are projects in North Borneo and Tunisia. Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) recieved $101.4 million.

    The Marshall plan also provided training, over 3,000 Europeans made six-month visits to US industries. There was a similar project for agriculture. So in short, the Marshall plan could still work today.


    When neosim arrived, (especially in Britain under Thatcher) things went downhill. From 1983 to 1988, low-pay part-time jobs grew 27.7 percent while full-time jobs increased only 2.4 percent.


    Like Japan, Germany had to develop from ruins.

    The Economist describes the German Economy as "incapable of flight...well-paid workers, who sit on oversight boards...cradle-to-grave welfare" and of course, high taxes.

    Like Japan it quickly went from rags to riches.



    ...used more than 400 cartels coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs regulating production, sales, supplies, prices, etc.



    Britain only started talking about free trade after they gained power through protectionism, especially of their naval industries that helped them literally sink their competetors.

    They did not abolish the protectionist "Corn Laws" until as late as 1846

    The "Navigation Acts" created many British monopolies.

    Land enclosure ruthlessly forced farmers to become industrial workers.


    Crime took 30 years to double in Britain (from 1 million incidents in 1950 to 2.2 million in 1979). However, between 1979 and 1992, 13 years of the "free market" and "individual responsibility" the crime rate more than doubled, to over 5 million in 1992.



    At the Davos meeting in 2000 the mainstream media was urged to spread the message of free trade. While protestors used a laser system to write slogans on a mountain, police tried to get liquid fertilizer to spray them with (The shocked farmers refused).


    Naples saw 20,000 protestors on March 18th, 2001. By July, more than ten times that number were protesting in Genoa despite the city being shut down by a "ring of steel".


    Surprisingly, there is one African nation that is not crushed by poverty. Just like in Asia, the neos claim it as their own dispite the facts.

    The neo World Economic Forum calls Tunisia the most competetive nation in Africa. Like the Asian NICs it has ignored neos.

    While the World Bank suggested massive projects funded by massive borrowing (producing massive profits for the bankers), Tunisia ignored them. Without debt the IMF never got a chance to force neo policy.

    As a result, Tunisia was free to spend massively on education. It also has very little income inequality (what neos call "incentive").


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