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.::Heidi Ann//Scratched Deep::.

Uni. Short for unique, but I am not unique. No, I am not special. I am just like the rest of you. I Love singing but I am tone deaf. I will make up the words if I dont know the lyrics. I smile too much. I love making friends but I will probably end up hating you after you leave me, because everyone does in the end.

I hate sweet talkers but if I like you I will probably fall for them. I forgive but never forget.

I have way too many scars for my own good. I go out to look for drama then complain about it later. I usually cry myself to sleep.

I contradict myself. I'm a hypocrite. I tend to get sad when I talk about my past, but I dont want your pity. Dont give me your sympathy. I think fast and talk fast. Sometimes you can even see my brain work. I dont know what I want and that saddens me. It frustrates me when people think I am the person I pretend to be. I write lyrics but they suck.

I want to be loved. I want to know how it feels to miss someone so bad that it hurts inside. I want to feel like I need someone like I need my water. I tend to have a lot of sex because I want to feel loved, but I end up the trash they throw away the next morning. I find boys who will break my heart. If you wait for me I'll open up and love you forever. I need smiles and laughter.

I over-ananlyze; it gets me in trouble. I cut to feel some sort of control. I understand heartbreak is part of growing up but I'm still afraid of it. I try to avoid it. I am the master of manipulation. When I see something I want, I will get it. I want you to get into my head while I push you away. I push the people I love the most away.

I'm not half as serious as I look.

There's more to me than my bra size. I respect myself and you should too. I'm not a bitch but I stand up for myself and what I believe in.

I'm not half as serious as I look.

Once you think you know me I'll change on you.

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