The House
The TKE Shop offers numerous
products that are specially made for our chapter.
All Purchases benefit the TKE housing
fund for our chapter.
Click on Frat boy Logo
to view the items from the Frat Boy line of our store.
Beach Party Shirts are still
available for purchase, contact use at gannontke@hotmail.com
and we will make arrangements shirts will be sold for $10 (plus S&H)
for sixes XL and smaller, 12 for (plus S&H) for XXL.
New items imitating the "Bass Ale" logo (which is a red equilateral triangle) with slogan on the back.
You better get one Waldo.
The shirts featuring Jeff Weaver
had to be taken off the site due to some content issues. If you
are still interested, please contact gannontke@hotmail.com
and we'll send you instructions on how to get one.
If you have any ideas for new merchandise designs, please e-mail us.
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