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Endocrine Glands and Nervous System

     This is the third part, The Body Maintenance Program, covering the toning and building of the Endocrine Glands, the Nervous System, and the strengthening of the Immunity and Defense Systems of the body.

     In general there are many herbs that will work effectively in an area of the body.  The herbs listed here are some of the more commonly used, but if you are not getting desired results from the ones you are using., you should feel free to find and use alternatives. Also feel free to mix and create any combination you desire.

     The Endocrine System are a system of glands in a line through your body.  These glands produce the hormones that regulate the energy, growth, and metabolism rate of the body.  They are sometimes called the Chakra or energy centers of our whole selves.

    These glands are the Pituitary and Pineal glands located in the head, the Thyroid and Parathyroids in the throat, the Thymus in the chest, the Adrenals and Pancreas in the abdomen, and the Ovaries or Testes in the lower torso.  Each gland has it's own particular roll in controlling and regulating the overall rete of energy flow and growth of the entire body.  The nervous system plays an important role in the production and distribution of the hormones produced by these glands.  The herbs and foods listed in this section will help to tome these organs.  To  make them become balanced and stronger.  This will also help in the digestion of food and will raise your energy level.  Your entire nervous system will become more acutely tuned; you will become more harmonious in vibration to your environment.

 The Endocrine Glands need to be worked and balanced together.  You will find several combinations that contain the following herbs in various groupings.  Some of them may not be found in capsule form; these can be purchased individually and used is Sun Tea.

Head--Sage, Gotu Kola, Ginseng, Skullcap, Black Walnuts, Valerian Root.

Throat--Kelp, Irish Moss, Sarsaparilla, Parsley, Saw Palmento.

Chest--Licorice Root, Cayenne, Hawthorn Berries, Mullein, Comfrey Root, Chickweed, Echenicia.
Abdomen--Juniper Berries, Cedar Berries, Wild Yam, Horseradish, Uva Ursi, Garlic, Aloe Vera, Golden Seal Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Mint.

Reproductive--Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Raspberry Leaves, Squaw Vine, Marshmallow, False Unicorn, Pennyroyal.
The above herbs mix and work well together in Sun Tea.
Used as your daily beverage.
Apple juice or other fruit juice can be added to the Sun Tea for enhanced cleaning and good taste.

A good Sun Tea combination might consist of:
Gotu Kola, Black Walnut Leaves, Irish Moss,
Hawthorn Berries, Raspberry Leaves,
Marshmallow, Mint, Hibiscus Leaves.

Strain and store this tea in the refrigerator and to each glass and three drops of Tincture of Lobelia.  With each glass also take a capsule of Cayenne.  Brink an 8 oz. glass three or four times a day.

     The Nervous System touches every part of the body.  This is the electrical and communication system of this complex and quite incredible creation known as the Human Body.  The Nervous System works on the impulses of the Electro-magnetic Field that completely surrounds and engulfs the body all the time.

    The Brain is the central control station that takes all the signals coming from inside and outside the body all the time.  The Brain is the central control station that takes all the signals coming from inside and outside the body and makes the decision of what to do with these signals.  These herbs help to repair any damage to the nerve cords and endings.

Nervous System Herbs:
Lady Slipper Root, Skullcap, Hops, Catnip,
Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Mistletoe,
Lobelia, Wood Betony, Valerian Root,
Passion Flower.

(((comment about brain???)))
There will be a new section about this.

Brain combination:
Comfrey, Rosehips, Flax Seed, Motherwort,
Mormon Tea,Passion Flower,
Alfalfa, Sage, Myrrh.
     You may not be able to find this combination in pre-packaged capsuled form.  In that case obtain the herbs individually and make sun tea with them.  Omit any herb whose taste you don't like from the sun tea; these can be taken separately in a capsule.

     Immunity has several factors involved.  Every cell, the blood, bones, tissue, nerves, and muscles, are a complete and individual unit.  Each one with the ability to use available energy from air, gassed, cosmic rays, liquids, and food, and turn this energy into a form it can use for the purpose of reproduction.  Reproducing itself perfectly, over and over indefinitely.  The cell wall is protective against invasion of anything that will alter its ability to perform its necessary tasks.  Surrounding the cells and holding them together is connective tissue.  This protects the cells as a moat around a castle.  When toxic materials, harmful viruses or bacteria enter the body, the white blood cells attempt to destroy them by surrounding and sealing them off from further reactions with the healthy cell.  With the help of the lymphatic system and the bloodstream, the white cell captives are taken to the exit points of the body and eliminated.  When the body is clean and the filters are working at a peak, this elimination process is swift; the body's cells are protected from being invaded and having their purpose altered which could cause the cell to die or start reproducing uncontrollably.  When a virus or toxic substance is frequently present in the body the white blood cells "customize" themselves to that particular invader and work to eliminate it even more quickly.  Thus being immune to a particular "dis-ease".

     A problem with the immunity of the body can arise at any level of this immunity system.  When the body becomes overburdened by an overabundance of toxic or viral invaders the white blood cells and the lymphatic system become stressed and overworked thereby having trouble keeping up with the problem.  An undernourished body can have a thin and weak protective connective tissue causing extra stress to the cell wall.  The invaded or damaged cells can mutate and start reproducing wildly going beyond the control of the immune system.  Clogged filtering systems and weak or overworked elimination organs can cause a backup of toxic matter that stresses the person's entire body.



     In this three part program we have gone through each organ and the tubes of the body systematically, one step at a time.  It takes a while to complete the process; be patient.

    ((((Remember you have taken a long time to clog up your body and put it into an state of imbalance .))))  Your new state of health  and energy will last a lifetime; a much longer lifetime than you believed possible before.  By maintaining your vehicle throughout your life it will respond with an abundance of energy and require much less sleep and food.  The degeneration process will be slowed down and the repairing of previous damage and degeneration will be enhanced.  Every cell of the body replaces itself.  ((((Every seven years you have a completely new body..))))

    With the proper program every cell will reproduce perfectly, as was the original design.  No matter what your age or state of health you can add years to your life and be happier, healthier, and have more energy.  Even for a person in a good state of health now, this body cleaning program will increase the good health you now enjoy..  There is no limit to energy.  We live in an electromagnetic field that is a massive amount of energy.  our bodies are energy vehicles with the ability to convert this energy field into personal energy.  A finely tuned, clean machine is able to do this most efficiently.

     Go about this cleaning process at your own pace.  If you clean too quickly the healing reaction will be more severe.  The more out of balance your body is the more intense the reaction.  Do not let yourself become discouraged.  Keeping your thoughts focused on loving and positive things will help to ease you into this transition.  Dance, sing, make love, listen to music, read spiritual and high vibration words, love yourself, mix with people of like thought for support.  You are in control...

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