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God's Angels

Angels sent by God to guide me,
Be my light and walk beside me.
Be my guardian and protect me,
On the paths of life direct me.

God sends Angels at various times to bring messages of His divine intent and to strengthen people.The Bible documents many such messages. There are nearly 300 references to angels in the Bible. Angels are mentioned in both the Old and New Testament. Christ's personal narratives, ministry, and teachings give evidence that angels do exist.

Throughout the Old Testament, angels are presented as personal beings who are messengers and ministers of God. Angels are an inextricable part of the New Testament. They announced the birth of Christ. They told the shepherds where to find the infant Jesus. An angel went to the tomb of Christ to announce his resurrection. They freed Peter and John from jail.

I am encouraged when I read about them in the Bible, because I know that when God speaks mercy and kindness to one human being, He is ready to speak the same thing to anybody in similar circumstances or need. God does not have favorites.

God cares about you. He cares about your needs, your longings, your fears, and your future. Have you ever wondered if God will fulfill your longings? Does it seem that your future is uncertain? Do you feel trapped in an area of your life? Are you navigating through a tough storm?

Whatever your situation is, God has a message of hope for you and God's Angels can help bring the loving message! That message is intended to help you realize your destiny and His ultimate goal for your life. We do not depend on Angels to give us a message from God: for He has given us His Son Jesus Christ and His revealed Word. But when God's Angels do speak, we would be wise to listen to what they say.

Prayer is the path, reflecting our openness to the strength, comfort and messages of God.
Luke 11:9-10 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

There are as many right ways to pray as there are people praying. A simple and powerful way of prayer is:
1. Say Thank You. Be grateful and thankful. Speak to God who sends His angels. "Father I thank you for the angels you have sent before me . . ."
2. Ask. Be specific.
3. Believe. Trust that if what you are asking for is the right thing for you, then it will happen in the right way at the right time. Expect positive results.
4. Let It Happen. Allow God and God's Angels to do Their work.


Angels of the Lord, Bless the Lord, Praise and Exalt Him Above All Forever.


God's Angels
6595 Roswell Road #828
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
FAX: 770-913-9570

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