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Warcraft I Warcraft II Warcraft III  






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Warcraft II was released in 1995. It was an amazing Real-Time Strategy game, and won Game-of-the-Year by PCGamer
Magazine. A lot of things were changed from Warcraft I, and these changes are illustrated below:

- Better Graphics - Obviously graphics were improved.

- Right-Clicking Scheme - The gameplay interface was drastically improved by being able to right-click to assign orders to
units. Also, mouse-scrolling and better group-selection was added. (Warcraft I was really awkward in this respect.)

- Fog-of-War - A translucent shroud was added to hide everything not in direct line-of-sight from your units and buildings.
This made intellegence much more of an issue.

- Water-Faring Units - Battleships, destroyers, submarines, and transport ships allow gameplay at sea. This made for greater
strategy and lots more fun!

- Air Units - Gryphons, dragons, and scout flyers were added.