Here are the single player cheat codes for Warcraft III. To use them, press Enter, type the code, then press
Enter again to enable.
"WarpTen" - Speeds construction of buildings and units
"IocainePowder" - Fast Death/Decay
"WhosYourDaddy" - God mode
"KeyserSoze [amount]" - Gives you X Gold
"LeafItToMe [amount]" - Gives you X Lumber
"GreedIsGood [amount]" - Gives you X Gold and Lumber
"PointBreak" - Removes food limit
"ThereIsNoSpoon" - Unlimited Mana
"StrengthAndHonor" - No defeat
"Motherland [race] [level]" - Level jump
"SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb" - Instant defeat
"AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs" - Instant victory
"WhoIsJohnGalt" - Enable research
"SharpAndShiny" - Research upgrades
"ISeeDeadPeople" - Remove fog of war
"Synergy" - Disable tech tree requirements
"RiseAndShine" - Set time of day to dawn
"LightsOut" - Set time of day to dusk
"DayLightSavings [time]" - If a time is specified, time of day is set to that,
otherwise time of day is alternately halted/resumed