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      He Did It For Me
      He left His home
      so that I could have an eternal home.
      He left His Father
      so that I could become His child.
      He walked upon this earth
      so that I could live in heaven.
      He took a body of flesh
      so that I could wear His robe of righteousness.
      He spoke the Words of His Father
      so that I could understand.
      He was ridiculed and rejected
      so that I could be accepted.
      He was mocked
      so that I could have peace.
      He was beaten
      so that I could be healed.
      He suffered betrayal
      so that I could know love.
      He died a painful death
      so that I could be forgiven.
      He endured separation
      so that I could be with Him.
      He returned to heaven
      to make intercession for me.
      He sent His Spirit
      so I would never be alone.
      He left His written word
      so I would be encouraged.
      He promised to return
      so I wait expectantly.

      He is the King of Kings
      The Lord of Lords,
      The Bright and Morning Star.
      He is the one and only
      Son of God
      Jesus loves you - whoever you are.

      Judy and Edward wish you a Happy Easter

      Background by Carolyn