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    Child abuse has been proven to be one of the leading causes of childhood deaths in this nation? According to recent studies every 4 seconds a child is abused and every 7 minutes a child's life is lost. 80% of child abuse cases reported to Child Protective Services were related to parents smoking "Crack Cocaine." Cocaine is an extremely addicting drug. Money, career, food and family become secondary for the heavy user. As you read these poems, I hope you will take a moment and say a little prayer for the many innocent souls who suffer at the hands of an abuser and the ones who will lose their lives because of it. We should pray that they will be placed in a safer environment where they will be loved and cared for properly.


    Teddy, I've been bad again,
    My Mommy told me so;
    I'm not quite sure what I did wrong,
    But I thought that you might know.

    When I woke up this morning,
    I knew that she was mad;
    Cause she was crying awful hard,
    And yelling at my dad.

    I tried my best to be real good,
    And do just what she said;
    I cleaned my room all by myself,
    I even made my bed.

    But I spilled milk on my good shirt,
    When she yelled at me to hurry;
    And I guess she didn't hear me,
    When I told her I was sorry.

    Cause she hit me awful hard, you see,
    And called me funny names;
    And told me I was really bad,
    And I should be ashamed.

    When I said, "I love you, Mommy,"
    I guess she didn't understand;
    Cause she yelled at me to shut my mouth.
    Or I'd get smacked again.

    So I came up here to talk to you,
    Please tell me what to do;
    Cause I really love my Mommy,
    And I know she loves me, too.

    And I don't think my Mommy means,
    To hit me quite so hard;
    I guess sometimes, grown ups forget.
    How really big they are.

    So Teddy, I wish you were real,
    And you weren't just a bear;
    Then you could help me find a way.
    To tell Mommies every where.

    To please try hard to understand.
    How sad it makes us feel;
    Cause the outside pain soon goes a way,
    But the inside never heals.

    And if we could make them listen,
    Maybe then they'd understand;
    So other children just like me,
    Wouldn't have to hurt again.

    But for now, I guess I'll hold you tight,
    And pretend the pain's not there;
    I know you'd never hurt me,
    So Goodnight, Teddy Bear...

    "Children Don't Wait"

    I was sitting on a bench
    while in a nearby mall,
    When I noticed a young mother
    with two children who were small.

    The youngest one was whining,
    "Pick me up," I heard him beg
    but the mother's face grew angry
    as the child clung to her leg.

    "Don't hang on to me," she shouted
    as she pushed his hands away,
    I wish I'd had the courage
    to go up to her and say...

    "The time will come too quickly
    when those little arms that tug,
    Won't ask for you to hold them
    or won't freely give a hug.

    "The day will sneak up subtly
    just as it did with me,
    When you can't recall the last time
    that your child sat on your knee.

    "Like those sacred, pre-dawn feedings
    when we cherished time alone
    Our babies grow and leave behind
    those special times we've known.

    "So when your child comes to you
    with a book that you can share,
    Or asks that you would tuck him in
    and help him say his prayer...

    "When he comes to sit and chat
    or would like to take a walk,
    Before you answer that you can't
    `cause there's no time to talk.

    "Remember what all parents learn
    so many times too late,
    That years go by too quickly
    and that childhood doesn't wait.

    "Take every opportunity,
    if one should slip away
    Reach hard to get it back again,
    don't wait another day."

    I watched that mother walk away
    her children followed near,
    I hope she'll pick them up
    before her chances disappear...

    "Little Eyes"

    There are little eyes upon you
    and they're watching night and day.
    There are little ears that quickly
    take in every word you say.
    there are little hands all eager
    to do anything you do;
    And little children dreaming
    of the day they'll be like you.

    You're the little children's idol,
    you're the wisest of the wise.
    In their little minds about you
    no suspicions ever rise.
    They believe in you devoutly,
    hold all you say and do;
    they will say and do, in your way
    when they're grown up just like you.

    There's a wide-eyed little student
    who believes you're always right;
    and their eyes are always opened,
    and they watch you day and night.
    You are setting an example
    every day in all you do;
    For the little child who's waiting
    to grow up to be like you.


    My name is Misty,

    I am but three;

    My eyes are swollen,

    I cannot see.

    I must not be loved

    For I am punished

    By cigarette burns.

    I must do right,

    I can't do wrong,

    Or else I am locked up

    All week long.

    When I awake,

    I'm alone.

    The house is dark,

    My folks are gone.

    Deep down inside I feel bad

    For Mom and Dad.

    I'm really just an expensive joke.

    No more, no less ... than speed or coke.

    Be quiet now! I hear a car.

    My dad is back from Charlie's Bar.

    I hear him curse.

    My name he calls.

    I squeeze myself against the wall

    On my bed.

    It's too late.

    His face is twisted into hate.

    I feel the pain again and again.

    Oh, Dear God! Please let it end.

    My name is Misty.

    I am but three.

    Last night my father

    Murdered me ...

    "If Teddy Bears Could Talk"

    If Teddy Bears could talk,
    What would they say;
    What would they tell you,
    About the children with whom they play?

    They might tell you things
    You don't want to hear;
    Like Mommy hurt Tommy,
    Or Daddy is who we fear.

    The Teddy Bears of children
    Are not just some toy;
    They're sometimes the only love felt,
    By some little girl or boy.

    So when you see a child
    Scared and alone,
    Find him a Teddy Bear
    In need of a home.

    Know that you've done good
    By the deed in your heart,
    You've given this child
    A place for love to start.

    "Children Learn What They Live"

    If a child lives with CRITICISM,
    He learns to CONDEMN.

    If a child lives with HOSTILITY,
    He learns to FIGHT.

    If a child lives with RIDICULE,
    He learns to be SHY.

    If a child lives with SHAME,
    He learns to feel GUILTY.

    If a child lives with TOLERANCE,
    He learns to be PATIENT.

    If a child lives with ENCOURAGEMENT,
    He learns to be CONFIDENT.

    If a child lives with PRAISE,
    He learns to APPRECIATE.

    If a child lives with FAIRNESS,
    He learns JUSTICE.

    If a child lives with SECURITY,
    He learns to have FAITH.

    If a child lives with APPROVAL,
    He learns to LIKE HIMSELF.

    If a child lives with ACCEPTANCE
    He learns to LOVE in the world.

    Please I ask of you to help Child Abuse.


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