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Rules for Applying for My Awards

[1.] Your pages must have some content and not just all links and should be easy to navigate.

[2.] Not too many frames, Please :) Your pages must be completed, no under construction signs, and no broken links or images. The links I follow must work properly.

[3.] It helps to have some nice graphics, but not absolutely required.
[4.] Websites with Adult themes, pornography, bad language, nudity, or hate material will not be considered.

[5.] If your site meets with all the criteria above, just E-Mail me with your complete url and award # you are applying for. Please make sure that you add your url and the number of the award you would like.

[6.] If you win my award, I require that you link back to me and you must upload the award to your own server. I will email you my html code with the award.

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Home Take Me Poems Footprints
Lighthouse Child Abuse Friends My Web Rings
For My Husband Angels are Everywhere Trust Mary's Lamb
Easter Rainbow My Mommy Apply for My Award
Awards Heavens Angels