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          Abuse of any kind is not acceptable,
          Women, Men or Children!

Abuse should not be a part of anyone's life. We all have dreams of how our lives should or will be, but abuse shatters those dreams and our world comes tumbling down around us. There is no telling what goes on behind closed doors. If someone would come to you and tell you they were being abused, but the family seems so perfect, would you believe them? Take a good hard look at reality. I've been through it and only my Mother and Step Dad believed me when I finally got the courage to say something to friends and family members. Look into it, ask questions, take a good hard look at the behavior of the child or adult who is talking to you. There are so many signs. I was "Mentally , Verbally" Abused for years , then came the day He put His hands on Me. A few friends saw the signs and talked to Me about it. Masks are easy to see once you've worn one.
Please help stop the abuse !
Only We can make a difference in someone's life!


Dear God,
When I am Lonely and,
Perhaps I feel Despair.
Let not my ailing Heart forget,
That YOU hear every Prayer..

Remind me that no matter what,
I do or fail to do,
There still is Hope for as long
As I have FAITH in YOU..

Let not my Eyes be blinded by
Some Folly I commit.
But help me to regret my Wrong,
And to make up for it..

Inspire me to put my Fears,
Upon a hidden Shelf,
And in the Future never to
Be SORRY for Myself.

Give me the restful Sleep I need,
Before another Dawn,
And Bless me in the Morning with


author unknown

"Only Me"

I am only me,
That's all I can be
No more, no less,
Don't second guess

I love, I laugh,
I live and I cry,
I've wished, at times
That I could die

Some days I'm funny
Others I'm not,
Sometimes I'm in overdrive
And cannot stop

I am a loyal
And honest friend,
You can know I'll be here
Until the end

I am a mother,
My children... my greatest gift,
The smiles on their faces
Always give me a lift

I can be sweet and shy
Or sassy and bold,
I'm quite a handful
Or so I've been told

I am not perfect,
I do have my faults,
Like when I get scared
I put up high walls

My logic is... all my own,
At times... misunderstood,
Because I don't always do things
For my own good

I have many facets,
Like a diamond, you see
I am only "Me"
And that's all I can be....

" Women have strengths that amaze men."

They carry children,
they carry hardships,
they carry burdens...
but they hold happiness,
love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and
laugh when they are nervous...

Women wait by the phone for a
"safe at home call" from a friend after a
snowy drive home.

Woman friends keep secrets you told
them years ago and never bring it up again.

Women have special qualities about them.
They volunteer for good causes.
They are childcare workers, executives,
attorneys, stay-at-home moms,
biker babes and your neighbors.
They wear suits, they wear jeans,
they wear uniforms.

They walk and talk the extra mile to
get their children in the right
schools and for getting their family
the right health care.

They write to the editor,
their congressmen and to
"the powers that be"
for things that make for a better life.

They don't take "no" for an answer when
they believe there is a better solution.

They can wipe a tear, cover a cut and
pat you on the back at the same time.

They eat a little so their family
can have more.
They rush to school to pick up
a sick child.
They stick a love note in their
husband's lunch box.
They do without new shoes so that
their children can have them.
They go to scout meetings and
are chaperones on class trips.
They go to the doctor with a
frightened friend.
They don't make excuses for defending
their family or friends.
They give a friend some money in
times of trouble.

They love unconditionally.
They are loyal, honest and forgiving.
They are smart, knowing that knowledge IS power.
But they still know how to use their
softer side to make a point.
They can stay up a little longer to talk
to someone who needs a friend.

They will rush to be by your side
when you are lonely.
They will give up their favorite TV show
to help with homework or read
a bedtime story.

They know that a hug and kiss can
heal a broken heart.

She can make a romantic evening unforgettable.
She can bring out the best in her
husband, children and friends.

They don't mind standing in the shadows.
They are not there to push, but to
gently encourage.
They are cheerleaders, teachers, lovers
and important in many peoples daily lives

Women come in all sizes,
in all colors and shapes.
They live in homes, apartments,
cabins and trailers.
They drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail
you to show how much they care about you

They can cry and laugh at the same time.
They can be sad and hopeful at the same time.
Women do more than just give birth
They give moral support to their
family and friends.

And all they want back is a hug,
a smile and for you to do the same to
people you come in contact with.

They want to touch you in a way that will
make you share your goodness with others.

One touch can turn a bad day into
a better one.
One extra minute of her time will
make a child feel special.
One more kiss will make her
husband feel loved.

If you are a woman, this was sent
to you by someone who respects you as
a woman and who sees many
of your qualities in this letter.

If you are a man and received this,
you were chosen because
you need to honor and appreciate
what women do.

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background by Carolyn