
I want to thank the following people for helping me in the following ways:
For being my first joinee and helping me publicize my site. Thanks for bringing in the swarm of people that came! This site wouldn't be what it is now if it weren't for you.
For helping spread the word about my site on the ZSNES WWW board.
For suggesting the use of a message board and even providing a link to a place where I could get one.
For bringing the wave of Gundam fans to the site. Also thanks for the help finding all those pics for member profiles. You made my life a lot easier!
For helping me with member profiles and being an overall active member. Thanks for keeping me up to date with other member's concerns.
For being the best roommate and teaching me a little bit of Chinese and making sure I always got the Japanese word of the day and actually challenging me in Perfect Dark and teaching me about anchors in web pages and bla bla bla.... The list goes on. I owe a lot to you and I am forever grateful. O yea did I mention thanks for waking me up on time for class and always making me laugh and bla bler blee.....
Black Razor
I got the background for AMPonzi's Link Portrait from his site. Look. Now if only I can remember the URL to his site...
My Phiota Brothers
For being my second family outside of home. Through thick and thin, we remain as one. Semper Juncti. I love you guys!
All ZSNES War members
For making me work my butt off night after night browsing for pics and music for yer stinkin' characters! Hehe! Just joking. It's been a real learning experience adding each and every one of you. I wouldn't have continued work on this site if you guys hadn't all joined. You guys renewed my faith in making websites and I thank you all for that. Also thanks to all those who supplied their own pics and music, it really saves me a lot of trouble (plus they're fun to look at!)
Ian Perez
For giving me permission to post a link to his ZSNES Battle Net program (See Downloads Page). Thanks!
You know why you're on this credits page. If there's one person who knows me inside and out in this world, it's you. I love you bro! I also want to thank you for being the first to beat me 10-8 in Killer Instinct. What's up with that? Let's settle the score!


I want to thank the following companies for the following reasons:
What would the world be without an SNES emulator? I consider ZSNES the best emulator for any system out there. They managed to emulate the games almost to perfection and then they throw in Netplay!?! Absolutely outstanding!
Nintendo... need I say more? The company that started it all. No other company ever experienced a golden age as Nintendo did in my opinion. Truly where many great legends were born, Nintendo will always stand on top in my eyes.
My favorite video game developing company out there. If not for just Killer Instinct 1 (arcade version!), then for all the masses of quality games they made on N64. They're what kept N64 alive in its darkest hour if you ask me.
Yes as much as I hate to say it, I would like to thank Square for making all the beautiful games it did on NINTENDO systems. I'm especially referring to SNES where we all witnessed such wonders as Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy, and Chrono Trigger. Come back to Nintendo Square!


If you think your name should be here for one reason or another or are already here and wish to have your name link to your Homepage, please send an e-mail with an explanation to Sorry if I missed anyone who I should've included and didn't. The names are in no particular order.