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  • EQNumbers

    EQNumbers is a useful program written by Strom Stillwater. Its greatest use is that it allows you to compare any weapon in the game, and then simulate attacking an opponent with that weapon to see how much damage is done over a certain period of time. The program is small (385KB). Not only that, but the source code of the program has been released, so if you know Visual C++, you can make any modifications to the program you want. Download it here for free.

    Note: There is a way to update the weapons files. If you go into the Executable folder, you will see a file called "weapons.dat." Open it with Notepad, and then add any weapons you wish, in the format Weapon name, damage, delay, hands.

    EverQuest is a Trademark of Sony Corporation. Used without permission. Site design and coding copyright John Lenehan, aka Asfolath. All data, unless noted otherwise, is copyright Asfolath.