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  • Main
  • Zones
  • Equipment
  • General Strategies
  • Links
  • EQNumbers
  • EQInfo
  • About
  • E-Mail

  • Main Page

    Hello and welcome to EverQuest for Newbies! This site is dedicated to the younger inhabitants of Norrath, the newbies. During your newbie (1-10) years, you will learn many key concepts that will serve you well throughout the game. My goal is to teach you all of those concepts, as well as inform you on zones, strategies, equipment, and classes. Unfortunately, this site is a work-in-progress, so the only completed sections are the zone listings and general strategies. I will continue to post new information as I finish it. Thank you for visiting!

    Note: This page is best viewed in 800x600.

    Saturday, February 17, 2001
    After yet another long hiatus, I have returned to finish EQ for Newbies. Sorta. You see, I've decided that I just can't really complete this site - I don't have the time. So for the time being, anyway, No more work will be done on this site. In place of me putting any more info one here, I've posted links to sites with the stuff you need. EQ for Newbies will still exist - but it's done. Thanks for visiting.


    Monday, October 16, 2000
    I've been going through all the existing pages and updating their general appearance. The main item corrected was a code glitch that caused zone pages to look pretty crappy when in 1024x768 resolution - everything should look much better now. Now that the little things have been corrected, I can return to the important stuff, like creating new class strategies.


    Sunday, October 8, 2000
    After a long hiatus from my duties at EQ for Newbies, due to the demanding pressure of school, I have finally returned. The Magician Strategies section is now up, and I've made some updates to the zones of Lesser Faydark, Greater Faydark, Steamfont, and Qeynos Hills, as well as Warrior strategies.


    Thursday, August 26, 2000
    I continue to make slow but steady progress on the Class Guides. The Cleric Strategies section is now up.


    Thursday, August 24, 2000
    The Warrior Strategies section is now up. As usual, more strategies added to the General Strategies and Druid Strategies pages. Finally, I added a link to the links page.


    Tuesday, August 22, 2000
    Today I finished up the Druid Strategies section. Also, more strategies added to the General Strategies page.


    Monday, August 21, 2000
    Today I put the finishing touches on the EQ Lingo section. I recommend you check this out, as it familiarizes you with almost all of the slang used in EQ, and there is a lot of it. I also added a page describing EQInfo, a cool and informative program. Check it out.


    Sunday, August 20, 2000
    Today I stuck some more tips up on the General Strategies page as well as fixed some links on the links page.


    Saturday, August 19, 2000
    Today I posted the General strategies page. As I encounter more tips I will put them up. If you have one you'd like to submit, send it to me and if I think it's worthy of being posted, I'll put it up.


    EverQuest is a Trademark of Sony Corporation. Used without permission. Site design and coding copyright John Lenehan, aka Asfolath. All data, unless noted otherwise, is copyright Asfolath.