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    Here are (in my opinion) the best EQ sites on the web. Every single one of them is well worth the visit.

  • Everlore
    This is one of my favorite sites. It has excellent info on classes, items, spells, and geography. You also get a very active message board, player-submitted stories, and three updates a day, including info from the official EQ Board and various happenings in the EQ World.

  • EQ Caster's Realm
    This is an incredible resource for all of the spell-casting classes on Norrath. It has very detailed spell information on all known spells, as well as equipment info, great class strategies, and a great design. If you are a caster of any kind, you can't afford to miss this site.

  • EQ Atlas
    One of my favorite and most-visited sites. Here you can find out anything you need to know about Norrath's geography. It has very detailed and accurate maps for almost every zone, accompanied by well-written descriptions.

  • Allakhazam's Magical Realm
    This page is probably the best one out there in terms of information. It also has a very sophisticated Quest Database, which makes the whole trip over there worth it by itself. The database can be searched by level, item, starting point, and monsters/NPC's involved. Definitely a must-see.

  • Illia's EverQuest Beastiary
    This site offers some very specialized but useful information. Here you can find all the information you need on the creatures of Norrath. Every description includes level range, loot, and known habitats. There is a message board for every monster, so players can (and do) discuss how to kill it, is it worth the effort, etc. The Beastiary is searchable by level, zone, or monster name, making it a very versatile tool.

  • EQ Prices
    This is an item-based site. It gives you complete information on just about every item in the game. The main feature is that it shows you the price of the item on the player market. I highly recommend this site, as you get all of the item info, plus the price for it.

  • EverQuest Weapons & Armor Database
    Pretty much the same as the above, but with a more comprehensive item database. This has all known game weapons and armor. Unlike the above site, there is no price information.

  • /gu...
    An online EQ comic, done by Woody Hearn. All of these are flat-out hilarious. Not info-related, but a great site nonetheless.

  • EverQuest Official Site
    As the name suggests, this is the official site, run by Sony. The information listed here isn't too helpful, but you should definitely check out the Official EQ Board. Here, players can ask Verant employees questions about the game. You learn alot by reading through these posts, so go check it out.

    EverQuest is a Trademark of Sony Corporation. Used without permission. Site design and coding copyright John Lenehan, aka Asfolath. All data, unless noted otherwise, is copyright Asfolath.