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  • East Commonlands

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The East Commonlands are situated near the eastern coast of Antonica. The zone itself is somewhat of a hub, as it's connected to four other zones. There are spaces here for both low- and high- level newbies. The monsters are plentiful, and can offer some great hunting if you're in a group. However, there are dangers here, and they are great. The main danger are the griffins. They fly around the zone, attacking whoever they see without provocation. And whoever they attack ends up dead. If you see one, either a) put on an invisibility spell or b) run like hell. People in the zone will sometimes call out "Griff at Inn #." They are referring to the four inns scattered throughout the zone. The inns are numbered 1 to 4, 1 being the one closest to Freeport. Learn to recognize these warnings. There are other randomly aggressive creatures, such as orcs and undead, but the danger is less from them. If you stay as close to guards as possible while hunting, you can sometimes escape some pretty tough spots, but it's no sure thing. The zone is also used as a marketplace and stopoff for people traveling to other areas. Here you can buy armor, food, throwing daggers, arrows, gems, pottery supplies, whatever. And if a merchant doesn't have what you want, a player might. People often hold bazaars or events in the tunnel to North Ro. No monsters come in this tunnel, so if you're looking for a place to rest, this is it.

    Final Verdict

    Hunting is very dangerous because of the griffins. If you feel that you can protect yourself, then this place has plentiful cannon fodder for you. However, if you decide that the danger is too great, I would suggest using this place as a waypoint on your journeys to other zones. Stock up on food, arrows, whatever you need, and move on.

    Click here for player comments on this zone.

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