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  • Everfrost

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    Everfrost is a frozen landscape in the northern part of Antonica. Snowfall is constant, and the ground of the entire region is blanketed in a thick snow cover. This zone represents both the newbie zone for the barbarian city of Halas, and a much higher-level hunting ground for other players. The zone is divided into two regions: the canyons and the plains. he plains are a higher-level area, and under no circumstances would I recommmend venturing out here unless under the guidance of a more powerful player. You will be spending almost all of your time here in the canyons. The hunting is plentiful and good here. You can just sit at one of the canyon walls, picking off creatures as they go by, and rake in the experience and cash. Almost all the creatures carry some item of value, even at lower levels. There isn't much danger here if you know what you're doing. Ice Goblin Whelps and Gnoll Pups (first level monsters) are aggressive towards you and will attack without provocation, and there is a chance of being swarmed by them. This can be fatal, even at higher levels. Also, I would recommmend that you not hunt the wolves; when you have killed enough wolves, they all become mad at you, and will attack on sight. There are wolves in half the zones in Antonica, and having them all mad at you is not a good thing. Also, there are now three dangerously powerful skeletons roaming the canyons. They won't attack you on sight, but be sure to /con every skeleton you can before you attack.

    Final Verdict

    Everfrost is a great zone for starting a character, as long as you stay in the canyon The monsters are plentiful and rich. Just be careful not to get swarmed, and you'll be fine.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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