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  • The Feerott

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Feerott is a swamp in the southern part of Antonica. It is the newbie hunting grounds for the Ogres who make their home in Oggok, as well as some trolls from nearby Grobb. The lower-level grounds are on the eastern side of the river. There is little danger here, as the only aggressive monsters are level one and can easily be dispatched. Spiders, however, will help any of their kind that are under attack. If you attack a spider, make sure that you can deal with more than one or that there are none about. The same applies to the lizard men. On the eastern side, you can just run back and forth along the path from Oggok to Innothule, picking off any monsters you might see on the way. Spiders offer good experience, and they often have webs which can be sold for a decent amount of money. The best thing to do, however, would be to form a group and attack the lizard men camps. There are camps ranging from level 3 to level 12 here. On the western side of the river, things get a little more hairy. This is a higher-level area, and while there are some areas completely devoid of life, there are also some regions crawling with undead. These are aggressive and will attack you on sight. This side makes for ideal hunting for a pair of 5th- or 6th-level players.

    Final Verdict

    Overall a good hunting zone, with few unavoidable dangers. My suggestion: group and go for the lizard men camps.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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