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  • Greater Faydark

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Greater Faydark is an immense forest. Built on the huge trees of that forest is the city of Kelethin, home to Wood Elves and Half-Elves. The Greater Faydark is supposed to be the newbie zone for this city, but... we'll discuss that later. To the north lies Crushbone, home of the Orcs, bane of the entire continent. Kelethin is a great city. You don't have to zone to leave it or enter, and everything is pretty easy to find one you get used to it. Just make sure you don't fall off. Once you enter the forest itself, however, things change. This zone is both big and confusing. It's foggy, so visibility is low. There are no landmarks to tell you where you are. And all the trees look the same. If you stray too far and suddenly find yourself lost in the forest, the best you can hope to do is wander around until you see a path or the city itself. The best place to hunt near Kelethin is straight out from the "Newbie Lift," which is the southernmost lift. You'll go over a hill and then see a big flat expanse, with a structure that vaguely resembles Stonehenge. This is where you want to be. Orc Pawns (level 2) usually carry some item of value on them, so if you see one, get it! However, considering how many people hunt here, pickings can get pretty slim. The hunting is much better around Felwithe. Take a few minutes to run over there and have a ball. A bit later (level 4 and up) you can hunt right around Crushbone. This can yield some pretty good loot and XP if it isn't crowded. Which brings me to my next point: the people. In terms of hunting, the popular area of the Faydark isn't all that great. There is a simple reason for this: it's a zoo. There are so many people here. It's incredible. This means that in general there isn't much around to kill. But the crowded nature of the zone can have its advantages. It's a great meeting place. I would even venture so far as to say that it's the most social place on Norrath. This gets on some people's nerves, but it has its charms. If you're just looking for a place to hang out and chat, this is it. The number of people here has another advantage. If you're looking to sell or buy something, there's a good chance that someone out there is interested in making a deal. This zone is known as the "Faymart" because of its reputation as a marketplace.

    Final Verdict

    Very easy to get lost here, so be alert for that. A very crowded zone. Hunting isn't too good near Kelethin because of the number of people. If you do want to hunt, go to Felwithe, or at higher levels, go to the area around Crushbone. But the number of people means you can do just about anything here except for kill stuff.

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