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  • Innothule Swamp

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Innothule Swamp, situated in the South of Antonica, is the perfect home for its native trolls: wet, dank, and gloomy. This is the newbie area for the adjacent troll city of Grobb. However, caution must be exercised while hunting here, or sooner or later you'll find yourself staring at that familiar message: LOADING, PLEASE WAIT... Many of the monsters that wander around here are aggressive and will attack on sight, and will also group with their comrades against you if you're endangering one of ther kind. You can easily become swarmed with enemies. Staying near guards and grouping will help this problem, but not totally solve it. At the same time, you have to watch out for the deep water portions of the swamp. Falling in here without a good swimming skill could be a problem, so watch out. There are also a few human NPC's that patrol the area around Guk, to the east of the zone. They don't particularly like "evil" races, so watch your back. However, all this danger does not come without rewards. The creatures here are plentiful, and the player population is generally low. Even better, a lot of the monsters carry some item of value. By far the most profitable monsters are the frogloks. A good portion of them carry magical cloth armor, wanted by monks everywhere. This can sell for incredible profit to players and merchants alike.

    Final Verdict

    My suggestion would be to get a good group and go hunt frogloks. Sell the armor and watch the dough roll in. There are a lot of opportunities for you to end up dead, but if you're careful, the rewards can more than outweigh the danger.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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