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  • Kithicor Forest

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    Kithicor Forest is a quiet and misty forest in the center of Antonica, adjacent to the Halfling city of Rivervale. It used to be a mid-level hunting ground, but since the Plane of Hate has been unlocked, it has changed. Now at night, legions of powerful and deadly undead roam the forest, attacking anything they see. This has made the zone a much more dangerous place. There are no guards to run to. If you travel here at night, you're dead. It's that simple. During the day, the undead no longer spawn, but if no one has killed them, they'll still be there. This is the greatest danger in the zone. I'll say it again: stay out at night. Another danger is that of getting lost. It can happen very easily, as there are no landmarks, and due to the fog visibility is low. If you get lost and can't find your way out by nighttime... hope you have Gate. If you're travelling through here, avoid getting lost by just staying on the zone border. It's boring, but you have to have the IQ of a turnip to get lost. There are two groups of creatures to be on the lookout for during the day. They are the shadowed men and the named Orcs. These Orcs are very high level and hang out in the southwestern corner of the zone. The shadowed men are very hard to see, and form into very dangerous groups. However, despite all the danger, there are some benefits to this zone. The dangerous nature has made it almost completely unpopulated. At maximum there will be 15 people here. This can make for some great hunting during the day. Stay near the tunnel to Rivervale, and when it gets dark, get out of there. Alternatively, if you're a spellcaster, you could get bound in Rivervale and Gate out when night falls. Grouping will give you more security and make you less susceptible to death by roaming higher-level monsters. If I were going to hunt in here, that's definitely what I would do.

    Final Verdict

    Stay out at night. During the day, the uncrowded nature of the zone makes for some great hunting. Group to ensure maximum security. If you plan on hunting here, make sure that you can get out as soon as night falls. If you're travelling through here, stay on the zone border to avoid getting lost.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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