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  • Lesser Faydark

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Lesser Faydark is part of the immense forest located on the continent of Faydwer known as the Faydark. Like the other part of the Faydark, Greater Faydark, this zone is very easy to get lost in. It's foggy, and there are very few landmarks. Orcs and skeletons roam the forest. They are all at least level 6, so anyone under that level is in constant danger. These Orcs are both numerous and difficult to avoid, and they will attack you on sight. I would not recommend coming here until you are level 7 with a group, or level 10 solo. The other wandering aggressive monsters are the mummies. Other than that, the only dangerous monsters reside in camps. This is where you should do most of your hunting: the camps. Most of them are rarely camped. One of my personal favorites is the bandit camp (loc 1250, 2000). These guys don't hit too hard and drop pretty good loot. You have to exercise caution while trying out camps, however. There is a brownie camp in the North, and the inhabitants are all level 45+ and will attack you on sight. There is a group of wood elves in the center of the map which you can sell to and buy food from; use this as a resupply station and a place to dump your loot.

    Final Verdict

    Stay away from here until level 7. Get a group and hit one of the many camps. Be aware of where you are: don't get lost, and don't come too close to the brownie camp.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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