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  • Oasis of Marr

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Oasis of Marr is the center section of the Desert of Ro on Antonica's southeastern coast. It's relatively plain, with only one major geographical feature. That feature is an oasis in the middle of the zone, and in the middle of that is a temple on an island. The entire temple area is haunted by deadly spectres. This is one of the most dangerous zones in this part of the world. This is because almost all of the monsters in the zone 1) wander and 2) are aggressive. And when these monsters are things like Sand Giants and spectres... it's not too much fun. Therefore, I would not recommend visiting this zone until you are at least level 12 and grouped. After that, however, things get better. The best place to hunt is along the eastern side, near the water. Here, there aren't too many wandering monsters, just crocs and caimans, and they aren't aggressive. This is where a lot of high-level newbie groups come to hunt. If you are planning on doing any hunting here, this is where I would do it. An alternative to this would be just to the north of the lake (around 400, 800) in an area known as the Orc Highway. Many Orc Warriors and Priests wander by, and there are often 2 or more groups hunting around here if you need help. This is a great place for steady, good EXP at mid-teens. Hunting in this zone solo is pretty much just an interesting form of suicide. You are all alone in a big, empty desert, with no one to help you if you get jumped by a nasty, of which there are many. A constant danger here are the spectres and Sand Giants. Inevitably, some doofus tries to take on the specs and winds up dead. The specs then begin to wander around, usually passing the Orc Highway, which means instant death for 12 or so people gathered there. They then pass by the crowded docks, killing many there too. Your only defense against these horrors is getting well out of the way when someone /shouts "Spec to docks" or something like that. Sand Giants tend to do the same, although they don't wander as much.

    Final Verdict

    A very dangerous zone because of wandering, aggressive, powerful monsters. Do not come here until you have a good group and are level 12. Do not hunt solo. Instead, hunt crocs along the coast or head the Highway.

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