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  • Nektulos Forest

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Nektulos Forest is a dark forest located to the north of the Commonlands. It serves as the newbie area for the nearby Dark Elf city of Neriak. It doesn't do too good a job of it. There is a designated area for players around level 4 and under. The rest of the area is for higher-level newbies. Monsters from outside that area will not enter, offering a small level of protection. The problem is that this lower-level area is very small. This means that if there are too many players here, you get no monsters. Also, this area is so small that it's very easy to accidentally wander out and get attacked by a wolf or something. Almost all the monsters here will aid their comrades if one of them is under attack. And when the zone is so small, and the monsters don't leave that zone, it's very easy to get mobbed by wandering monsters. The area outside of that small low-level area isn't much better. Out here, the only wandering monsters are aggressive and will attack you on sight. Another thing that's really annoying is that these things called Guardians will kill any other monsters that they see. This can really get on your nerves: you're killing some monster, it takes 5 minutes, you're almost done, and some Guardian comes along and kills it. There's another random danger to watch out for. Sometimes an Orc Runner will make a dash for the Neriak entrance. For some reason, this makes all the guards in the area attack evil races, which doesn't normally happen. Another problem is that there is very little loot here - no bags, boxes, armor, weapons, etc.

    Final Verdict

    This place stinks. No loot and very few monsters to kill. I suggest you get out of here as soon as you can. If you want a good evil hunting zone, try the Innothule Swamp.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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