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  • Northern Desert of Ro

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Northern Desert of Ro is the northern of the three sections that make up the Desert of Ro on Antonica's southeastern coast. The desert is just south of the port city of Freeport, so it is easily accessible from Faydwer. This is a great zone to hunt in if you're level 8 or above (solo and group). You could come here earlier, but I wouldn't recommend it. The monsters around that level and above are plentiful. If you want to hunt solo, stay near the platform (usually referred to as the plat), as this is a sort of gathering place for players and they can help you. Staying around here will also help you to avoid being killed by a wandering monster - people often /shout "Mummy to plat" and so on, so you are almost always warned ahead of time. If at all possible, stay away from rattlesnakes and spiders (or anything else with poison).They are harder than their level lets on. Instead, go for sand scarabs, pumas, jackals, and orcs whenever possible. They are quite easy for their level - I've soloed /con: yellow scarabs. If you want to hunt in a group, there are three Dervish camps scattered around the desert. These are usually camped, but if you can get in one of the groups, they offer some good hunting and pretty good loot. There are some dangers to this zone, however, mostly for solo players below level 9. There are a good deal of wandering aggressive monsters, such as mummies, madmen, Orcs, and the very rare Sand Giant. You have to watch out for these guys, as a lot of the time you won't see them coming, and then boom you're gone. Another nasty monster is Dorn B'Dynn. He is a Dark Elf of level 15 or so, but he hits like a level 30. He spawns at one of the Derv camps (commonly called the "Dorn camp" - figure that one out) and, if pulled out of the camp, will wander around for a while. He attacks just about everyone, and the guards won't kill him for you. I mentioned Sand Giants before. These guys are around level 40 and should be avoided at all costs - if they see you, you're dead. It's that simple. fortunately, they stay in the southern half of the zone, so just make sure you don't start wandering around down there. They appear only rarely, but cause quite a stir when they do.

    Final Verdict

    Overall, a very good zone for level 8+. Solo, stick near the plat and avoid mobs with poison. Grouped, hit one of the Derv camps for good loot and EXP.

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