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  • Qeynos Hills

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Qeynos Hills is a hilly area near the Human city of Qeynos, on Antonica's western coast. This zone can accomodate players from levels 2 to 10, which is its main strength. Another is that it's a small zone, so you don't have too far to run if you're running from a train to the zone. However, the zone is pretty crowded. You can use this to your advantage, and sell or buy stuff here. This zone is basically the next step from North Qeynos, a newbie zone that accomodates players from 4th-5th. There are few dangers. First of all come the aggressive monsters. These range from skeletons to rabid wolves to grizzly bears. This can have another bad consequence. There are two named Ranger NPC's wandering the zone, and if they see you fighting with a bear or wolf, they will attack you, even if the creature attacked you first. Be sure you watch out for this, as it can mean a quick death. However, if you can avoid them, animals can make for good hunting. Another thing to be careful of when hunting animals is that once you have killed too many of a particular kind of animal, that type of animal will attack you anywhere. This includes the wolves, the bears, etc. The biggest cash cows in the zone are the Wisps. They carry the valuable Lightstones, which can sell for quite a few pp and can also be used a lightsource, making them very valuable to the night-blind humans. Group if you want to, don't if you don't. It doesn't really matter. At higher levels you can travel to the middle-eastern area of the zone and hunt Gnolls. Just watch out for Gnasher, a higher-level Gnoll who takes great offense if you attack one of his kind. Gnoll watchers have teeth thet can be turned in for a quest. The Millers offer an opportunity for newbies to get their hands on some great armor. Explore the zone and see what you find; there is tons of goodness here just waiting for you to stumble across it.

    Final Verdict

    A crowded but nice zone. Hunt animals if you want, but beware the consequences. Wisps offer nice loot, Gnoll Watchers offer nice XP, and Millers offer nice armor. Explore.

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