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  • Rathe Mountains

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Rathe Mountains is a mountain range in the southwestern portion of Antonica. The mountains divide the zone into several much smaller areas. This zone is both dangerous and confusing, so extreme caution must be exercised here. The main reason for the danger is that the zone, while it has an area for newbies, is really a hunting area for higher-level players. Wandering outside of the newbie area will result in almost instant death, as all the monsters outside of that are both deadly and aggressive - almost all will attack you on sight. Because of this, I would not recommend this zone for anyone under level 7. Even better, avoid this zone altogether. If you do choose to come here, however, the only zone where you can easily hunt without being killed is the section just to the north of the entrance to Feerott. However, there is a high-level Orc camp here as well. Straying too close to this will probably get you killed. One could also hunt bears in the northwestern corner of the zone, but this is very dangerous as well. Probably the only benefit of this zone is that it's very uncrowded - to see 10 people here is incredible .Once you get to level 10, you can group or get a partner and go for lizard man camps here. Until then, however, I would simply stay away from here.

    Final Verdict

    Stay away until you hit level 10 and have a good group or partner. The fact that there are aggressive high-level monsters here pretty much rules out any good newbie hunting.

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