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  • Runnyeye Citadel

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    of the region

    Runnyeye Citadel is the underground home of the Goblins that plague all of Norrath. It can be reached from Misty Thicket by a tunnel. This is a good but relatively average dungeon to hunt in. There are four levels. The monsters get progressively tougher as you go down - you'll be doing all of your hunting on the top level. Up here, the goblins are around level 7-9. They rarely group together, so hunting solo is feasible, but it's more enjoyable and profitable in a group. Really the only danger you'll encounter on the top level is that of being mobbed or trained. Trains are never really immense like they are in Blackburrow. Another very rare but very dangerous occurence is when a high-level creature from below wanders or is trained up top. As I said, this is rare, but generally results in you dying if you're not lucky. Aside from that, there are no real dangers. The Goblins are plentiful and easy, and this can result in some great experience and loot.

    Final Verdict

    A good hunting dungeon for a group or solo player around levels 6-9. All the monsters of this level are on the top level - wander to the lower levels and die. You have been warned. Beware of trains from the bottom levels.

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