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  • Southern Desert of Ro

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Southern Desert of Ro is the southern portion of the vast Desert of Ro, located along the southeastern coast of Antonica. This area is safer then the rest of the desert, as it is made primarily for newbies. There are much fewer sand giants and madmen roaming about. There are, however, more wandering undead that will attack you on sight. The northern portion is covered in sand dunes and is much like the two desert areas above it. The southern portion, on the the other hand, is grassy and covered with orc camps. These orcs are around levels 6 - 11, and make for some greatgroup hunting around those levels. If you have a spell that allows you to take on camps solo (Harmony, Lull, Mesmerize), this is a great place to hunt, as it's uncrowded, and the orcs are plentiful. However, since this area is very hilly, it's easy to run over a hill and right into an orc camp that you didn't know was there. Another danger is that of the ghouls. These wander around attacking all they see, and one hit from them roots you to the ground, making it impossible to run... this can really ruin your day. Aside from that, however, there are no real dangers, making this a great hunting zone. You could come here and solo to level 15, and group to around level 12. For soloers, the plentiful orcs in the southern area make for great hunting. Groups could attack the Dervish camps in the north or Orc camps in the south. Either way is good, because the zone is generally uncrowded. As a small bonus, there is a merchant group in the middle that will sell to just about everyone. Be sure you /con them before approaching, however.

    Final Verdict

    A good newbie hunting zone. Few dangers and plentiful monsters. Group or go solo, whatever floats your boat.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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