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  • Steamfont Mountains

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    of the region

    The Steamfont Mountains are a mountainous region in the southeastern corner of the island continent Faydwer. They are home to the fearsome minotaurs, as well as many mechanical creations from the nearby gnome city of Ak'Anon. This is a pretty safe area, and a good newbie zone. There is some great hunting to be had here if you know where to look. There is a low-level newbie zone in the north of the zone, across a ridge from the Minotaur caves. This is a great area, as it's rare to find anyone here and even has its own merchants. This provides a great alternative to the crowded and noisy Greater Faydark. You could also hunt right at the entrance to Ak'Anon, which is close to zones lines and has the nearby zone line if you need to run. Very low-level newbies can also hunt around the windmills under the protections of Watchman Myles. From 4th or 5th to 8th, there's a bit of a lack of monsters, but after that things pick up. A good place is the region near the entrance to Lesser Faydark. This is great for a group of level 6 or so or a solo player around levels 8-10. Once you hit around 11 or so, you should head over to the Clockwork Ruins next to the Minotaur Caves. This place is packed with monsters, uncrowded, and there are often a few high-level players camping the Minotaur Caves to save your heiny if things get nasty. While hunting, you will get to know the other people hunting there, as you will bail them out several times and vice versa. Your main prey will be Lesser Ebon Drakes, Earth Elementals, Harpies, Skeletons, Giant Diseased Rats, and Minotaur Slavers. For the most part, loot isn't too good, except for Minotaur Axes. There is also a good deal of danger here, as almost all of the monsters wander, and some of them will aggro on you. However, if you think you can handle the heat, this place offers some great hunting.

    Final Verdict

    This is a great zone for both low- and high-level newbies. There are several uncrowded low-level newbie levels, and the Clockwork Ruins offer superb hunting for levels 11-13.

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