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  • Upper Guk

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    Upper Guk is the upper level of one of the largest dungeons on Norrath, Guk. This is the home of the Frogloks. The zone is designed so that the further in you go, the higher the monsters are. Therefore, you'll probably be staying in the first few rooms. There are plenty of dangers here. First of all, There are Frogloks in almost all of the many rooms here. This means that if you attack something in one room, something that's 5 levels higher might come running in from the next. The Frogloks work very well together, so this is a very real danger. The first room has a pair of 4th-level Froglok Tads in it, and the next has a Guard of around 8th-level. So despite the fact that there are low-level creatures here, most people who come here are around level 10 or higher. Also, since there are usually three Frogloks to a room, it's impossible to pull one without pulling all of them, unless you have Mesmerize or something like it. Another danger are the trains. These are very deadly, and anyone caught in a train's path should just run and hope for the best. However, there is a very good reason to hunt here. The Frogloks are, in a word, loaded. Almost all of them possess a weapon of some sort or magical woven armor, which is worth a bundle itself. This makes the trip here very profitable. Not only that, there are plenty of things to kill here. Grouping is a good idea, since it allows you to take on some higher-level creatures and avoid being killed with the method described above. One thing to note is that no Froglok will attack you unless you have already killed a Froglok sometime.

    Final Verdict

    An awesome zone. Lots of expensive loot and plenty of monsters to kill. Grouping is a good idea, but soloers can find plenty to do here as well. Whichever you choose, coming around level 10 is the best thing to do. Just beware of attracting unwanted attention from Frogloks in other rooms.

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