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  • West Commonlands

    Click for a detailed map of the region
    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Western Commonlands are the western section of the large field known as the Commonlands near Antonica's eastern coast. This zone is slightly higher-level than its eastern counterpart. While there are wandering low-level monsters to kill, the powerful, aggressive high-level monsters make hunting here dangerous for anyone under level 10. It can be done, but not safely. Therefore, this zone is best avoided as much as possible - travel through it if it gets you to your destination, but spending too much time here can be bad for your health. The main dangers come in the form of creatures such as kodiaks, Hill Giants, werewolves, and the like. However, if you choose to ignore the danger and hunt here anyway, grouping would be a good idea. Not only does it allow you to survive for a while longer if you're jumped by a wandering nasty, it also lets you go for the Dervish camp on the northern zone wall. As a solo player, there are the Will-o'-Wisps to hunt, starting at around level 9. These require a magical weapon to hit, but are well worth it: they drop greater lightstones that can be sold for a good deal of cash to the night-blind humans. Whatever you decide to do, I would not suggest coming here before you reach level 9.

    Final Verdict

    This is a dangerous zone because of all the wandering high-level monsters. If you decide to hunt here, either get a group and go for the Dervish camp, or go solo and kill Will-o'-Wisps. Either way, it's best to be at least level 9 before venturing in here.

    Click here for player comments on the zone.

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