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  • Western Plains of Karana

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    The Western Plains of Karana is a vast and expansive area that makes up the western portion of the huge plains of Karana, in the west of Antonica. This is a pretty good place to hunt. There is little danger here - the only wandering creatures that will attack you on sight are the Hill Giants and grizzly bears. If you have killed any animals in your life, you'll regret it walking around here; all animals of that type will now attack you on sight. Aside from that, however, the only attack-on-sight monsters are in camps and can easily be avoided. Even if you do get jumped, there are generally guards nearby to help you - although they probably can't save you from that Hill Giant. There is a downside to hunting here, and that is that the monsters here have little to no loot of any real worth. The only way to make any cash is to kill animals (of which there are many) for their pelts, and, well... you know where that leads. On the other hand, this place is great for Druids at this and higher levels because of their animal-oriented spells. Other than that, however, there's no reason not to hunt here. As previously mentioned, there are guards all over. Additionally, the zone is ridiculously uncrowded; 30 people would be a lot here. And when the zone is as huge as this, you can whole regions to yourself.Also, you will never have to leave the zone for anything. You can both buy food and sell loot here. The only imaginable problem is that of finding monsters wandering around here. Therefore, grouping or partnering with a ranger is a good idea.

    Final Verdict

    A great zone to hunt in. Few wandering attack-on-sight monsters, and plenty of stuff to kill. Plenty of guards to save your butt if you get into trouble. You can buy food and sell loot here. There isn't much in the way of cash to be had, however.

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