Quake 3With all of the terrible games on PS2 how could we pass up this "promising" title for our most underplayed system? Quake 3 was a evolution of a revolution on the PC and now it is covering most of the home consoles. Did the transition do so well? Is there something up my sleeve? Find out in Michaels in-depth review...sleeve
Demolition Derby RawSweet, fun and simple. Come see what kind of games made the PSone popular yet are still the most fun to play. Beware though. Pictures of indolent editors are inside. Parental guidance is suggested.
Red FactionThought the PS2 was going to go to hell in a hand basket, eh? Yeah well me to. That was until I saw this pretty little gem. Not only does it support 4-players with no slowdown but you can blow everything up! Don't trust me?...
Castlevania ChroniclesWelcome back to Dracula's castle. Even before you explore the dark corridors of Circle of the Moon you must first face the challenge of the prequel in Castlevania: Chronicles. Konami has redone this classic from the X68000 and transformed it into a beautiful masterpiece. New CGI cutscenes, music and more... more