Daytona USAI'm excited are you???? Oh my God is that a giant red car in my pants? It sure is, especially after playing this incredible title. I mean, wait... the only way to find out if it's all it's cracked up to be then by all means come in. Get the F*%$ away from your wiener and come in here. I'll give you some candy.
Isao Okawa Will Always Be RememberedSega.com reported the sad and devastating news about the death of Sega's father, Isao Okawa. He passed away on May 16 at 3:47pm in the Tokyo University Medical Hospital. Mr. Okawa was...more
Let Him In...His Name is RyoThe review for Shenmue is finally up and so are my pants. Don't just read the review my friends, please play the game. The Dreamcast will unfortunately be gone soon thanks to your unwise friends who by Playstation games. Don't step on my foot or it's a pie in the face for you mister.
Jet Grind Radio!!!!Come read the review of what Caustik says is the best game for Dreamcast. I'd have to differ and say that Typing of the Dead is my personal favorite but you can't please em all. Nothing like chicken noodle soup, eh? Lost my mind. Review here.
Samba De AmigoIt's been one of the most anticipated games for Dreamcast this year so why not check out the preview? What did I just say? Stop watching Superstation right now and read!
SegaNetQuake 3, Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, NFL2K1, Soldier of Fortune and many others are all great reasons to sign up with SegaNet but I think there is one game that will draw the masses more than any other before it. Yes I am talking about Daytona USA Network Battle. How does competing against 11 other racers online at the same time sound to you? Well it better sound damn good.