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July 22 Halo QOTW
Question of the Week August 26 Halo QOTW August 19 Halo QOTW August 12 Halo QOTW August 5 Halo QOTW July 29 Halo QOTW July 22 Halo QOTW



Hello out there! The founder of The Online Universe here telling the people of Bungie what they should squeeze into their game Halo to not only increase the WOW factor of the game (if that is possible) and keep the gamers, both veterans of FPS games and new comers that haven’t played games made by Bungie. Check out Oni, Marathon or the Myth series. Getting down to business we look at If Halo has online support what features would you want? Let’s see what the viewers said.

One viewer hopes that if Halo does have online support for Xbox it will have a strong online community similar to Tribes or Half-Life allowing newbies and online gaming fanatics the ease of playing online and finding friends and people with related experience of Halo to play with.

One viewer said, "If halo does get online support I want to see some kind of editor that will allow the mod community to glee happily with joy. Maybe the next Counterstrike will be made using it." Allowing players to create, save, and upload their maps and scenarios onto the Halo gaming server so other players around the World could engage in combat on your maps.

A viewer by the name, THE MEAKSHEEP, made a list of all the online features he/she wanted. The MEAKSHEEP wanted for online play, an online version of capture the flag, 32 players at once deathmatches, 4 player split screen on 1 console while playing online against other players, Jeep racing online, Co-operative online missions against A.I., a level editor and a site where gamers could download other people's maps onto the Xbox hard drive and the ability to save your replays and swap them online.

A viewer wanted more then 50 players at once fighting in lush environments and "lot" of vehicles.

Someone wanted Halo to have basically the same abilities of Half-Life so that Halo could become the Half-Life of the console. Wanting Halo to be full of mods, fun and human interaction.

Another viewer wants Halo to have the characteristics of Total Annihilation, mainly Boneyards, where both species start from opposite sides of the planet Halo and try to conquer more and more of Halo until only one specie is left standing.

Thanks go out to these people and the viewers that are viewing this site. I also would like to tell you what I would like to see in Halo or possibly the second version that will have online support seeing that Halo might not because of Microsoft.

"Being a Sega fan myself and have recently played Phantasy Star Online. Some of the gaming elements and features in Phantasy Star Online and Version 2, which should becoming out sometime this year, I would really like to see some of those gaming elements in Halo. These features include online soccer, this sport could stay the same or Bungie could use another sport, or even better make up their own sport, or have different arenas with different types of sports. A shooting version of football would be neat. Another feature could be the ability to customize your amour so that it reflects you. An extra would be different costumes from Robin Hood and his Merry Men to The X-Men, allowing you to create your own guild."

Well this has been the first of hopefully more to come Question of the Week for Halo. Talk to you gamers later.

"Logging out Soldiers."


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