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August 19 Halo QOTW
Question of the Week August 26 Halo QOTW August 19 Halo QOTW August 12 Halo QOTW August 5 Halo QOTW July 29 Halo QOTW July 22 Halo QOTW



Welcome back to the Online Universe, I hope you checked out our first editorials entitled "The Battle of November", a must read if you are a console gaming fan or if you are interested in becoming one. Last week's Halo QOTW was: "What type of levels, example: Jungle with enlarged insects, would you like in Halo?" Here are the results.

Our first writer posts they want a level that is either hilly or steppe, similar to some of the battles in Korea. Trench warfare, where you must survive a certain amount of time to get backup, then charge the enemy and drive them into the dust.

Some viewers wrote in saying: "The biggest thing is to have large, sprawling outdoor environments.... I want to see a large variety of landscapes." Some examples of environments would be...

Jungle, Swamp, Forest, Desert, Beaches, Islands, Volcanic areas, Plains, Mountains, Hilly Areas, Artic Tundra, Caves, Dark and mysterious places "stormy, dark, gothic type ruins" (with an alien twist of course), and Futuristic floating islands or monuments  "Ancient ruins and such from the makers of the ring is a MUST. Think Unreal (the original single player game). Perhaps they could combine their technological advancements with their primitive religious faith. IE: Old temple ruins with technology here and there."

A level with crashed spaceships of unknown origin and with technology far beyond of "the involved factions", with some "really dangerous critters"

A rainforest jungle level that has some small islands in a large, desert or barren landscape, underground and with some sort of a covenant villiage.

The ability to play the level that is in the E3 2000 trailer. Dodging large animals, a multi-layered level allowing you to enter the building that is in the trailer and shoot it out in the "rabbit hole".

A large flat level that has on one side human tanks and warthogs, and on the other side, lots of covenant tanks and other alien related vehicles.

A level inside a covenant base, allowing players to see the type of architecture the aliens have.

Picky writes in wanting a desert level, the ability to play like it is Desert Storm, with lots of land vehicles. Also, in a Jungle level a type of guerrilla warfare like in the Predictor. The ability to play in an urban environment.

A level by "Edstudent" where you could play outside the ring world. "A scenario where the Marine has to go to the outside. Obviously this would have problems like the possibility of being flung out into space by the momentum of the Ring. I don't want a cop-out where the Marine has magnetic feet or some such, but a level which uses this as a part of the challenge."

Sniperwolf writes in wanting a level that is a ruined high tech city, like the one at the beginning of Final Fantasy: The Sprits Within, where you can enter any of the old building but you never know when the old floor might collapse... and make it even better would being able to go into an underground subway system and getting lost in it. Driving around in a jeep, trying to run over enemies and escape the often cave-in.

Well, that was last week's Halo QOTW. It was a pleasure writing it. I hope the people at Bungie are reading these and the previous ones so that when they make a Halo 2, it will be everything we want and more. Until then...

"Logging Out Soldiers"


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