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July 29 Halo QOTW
Question of the Week August 26 Halo QOTW August 19 Halo QOTW August 12 Halo QOTW August 5 Halo QOTW July 29 Halo QOTW July 22 Halo QOTW



Welcome back to The Online Universe. Sorry for being a little late on posting this week's Halo: Question of the Week. This week's question was Looking back at the weapons that Bungie has already created for Halo, what weapons would you want to use in the game, Halo? Now here are the answers. I would also to say that I was unclear with this Halo QOTW, which I promise will not happen again, this will also make the results this time shorter then average.

Two viewers couldn't stop saying the sniper and assault rifle. These two weapons have been shown off in pictures across the web. Anyone interested in Halo is probably excited to use it if they haven't already at E3. (The Assault rifle, not the sniper rifle)

One viewers wants "improvised" weapons such as furniture, thrown rocks, tree limbs, and alien limbs. Also, the viewer wanted remote mines, similar to Golden Eye for the Nintendo 64. Hand to Hand combat, your fist and your feet, like in Oni. This could be used when attacking an enemy head on when you run out of ammo and you didn't pick up any Covenant weapons in the game. Non-lethal weapons, though I wonder why you would want to use such weapons like stunners,

Another viewer wanted weapons from Duke Nukem like rail guns and the Devastator, a dual rocket launcher. Weapons such as nail guns and trip wires, which would be really cool, were also request.

 Sisoft wanted weapons that would that adjust the speed of time. These type of weapons could slow down enemy's firing speed, movement and reaction time.  Allowing you to gain advantage if surrounded or trying to clean a room Rambo style.

Apache02 wanted the ability to call air strikes allowing you to force enemies out of underground buildings and kill a swam of Covenant species. Smart weapons would also be appreciated, allowing to finish off grunts that run away to call for backup. The last idea was some type of weapon that allows you to climb cliff faces, reducing the time to walk around the beautiful world of Halo and also surprise/stealth attacks on the Covenant. 

Well that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed reading yours and many other people's comments and ideas. Till next week...

"Logging out Soldiers"



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