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August 12 Halo QOTW
Question of the Week August 26 Halo QOTW August 19 Halo QOTW August 12 Halo QOTW August 5 Halo QOTW July 29 Halo QOTW July 22 Halo QOTW



Welcome back to The Online Universe and we the results are in for lasts week's question: What features/modes would you want in Halo's multiplayer? Now let's get straight to business with the results from the question.

One viewer wrote in wanting a team of players to hunt a single or group of players that would look different, ie. natives from the Halo planet and you have to use primitive weapons such as spears and clubs and carry them away on a poll, like seen in THE MOVIES, the tied up person can escape and players would gain power ups for capturing the person.

Another viewer wanted a game called King of the Hill where 2 teams fight for a base or a geographical point, such as a hill or waterfall. If it was a base, one team would start in the base and they would have to defend it against the other team. To make the scenario fair, the attacking team would have vehicles.

A viewer wants the ability to attack animals. In multiplayer, a hunting game where you have to capture or kill the animals on Halo by either jeep or by foot. Where a solider scares a herd of animals towards a squad of marines waiting to make the kill. Similar to how lions hunt, it would allow people to hunt animals without endangering the real ones on Earth.

A scary/funny viewer writes "I want to harpoon enemies, drag them by a vehicle, and hang them for all to see." I guess it would be funny to cash a solider on foot in a jeep and dragging part would be all in good fun, but the hanging? The likely hood of that is slim from Bungie, especially what kind of player would actually let someone do all of that too them and not try to respawn.

Someone writes in saying how they would like to be able to use the environment to aid them in destroying their enemies such as falling trees, avalanches, floods, man-made holes, the ability to start brushfires. Or like another viewer wanted the ability to swing on vines, make a booby trap or using objects such as spears or a machete and put it in a tree branch so that when a player trips a wire it is time to see how big of a hole they made in your head. (Referring to when you die, you see yourself)

Zach writes in saying "I'd like to see a lone wolf mode like in rogue spear.  Where you're the only human, going up against all the covenant.  Besides many other multiplayer modes, I'd like to see a mode where it only needs one person to play against the computer, like a skirmish, where you could practice up a lot of different strategies."

A fan of Enemy at the Gates and Halo writes in saying they would like the ability to fight 1 on 1 where you can play as either the Human sniper or Covenant sniper and go against your alter ego.

MEAKSHEEP writes in saying the ability to play split screen on the PC would be a bonus because it is "funny as hell" on a console. Also for Internet multiplay, the ability to have a capture the flag underground similar to that of Tribes, and also jeep races both off and online.

A viewer writes in wanting the a feature that allows you to see on screen your death streak, showing you how many times you have killed a certain person or some many times that person has killed you. Also, displaying which weapon you were killed by. Showing your your style of killing or dying or failed attacks or good battle evasion while you're playing or after playing with Cortana saying such lines as "decent escape", "Wow, that's your fifth kill in a row with a plasma grenade"

A viewer wants the ability to toss ammo or other items at teammates or if not, the ability to drop ammo to help out in those "I'm out of ammo!" situations. 

 Others wrote in saying they like the Capture the Flag item seeing it is becoming the default in shooters now-a-days. Also, taking advantage of the melee attack, the ability to knock out your opponent for a certain period of time and be able to drag that person to another place. Allowing players to customize maps that are already in the game, but able to keep the original. The ability to hide in tall grass and jump out and attacking your prey with the element of surprise. Full customization is a must. The ability to choose certain teams, what weapons can be used, time limit and how points are scored during gameplay. The ability to change shield and health power, creating a handicap for newbies and the ability to respawn vehicles when they go out of commission.

Well that's last week's Halo QOTW. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it up. Until next week...

"Logging Out Soldiers"


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