You think you've seen it all but you ain't seen nothing yet. Somewhere around 1991, a few dudes in a Miami basement in Florida got this "get rich quick" plan which didn't turn out as they had planned. The company Active Enterprises was formed. Active produced 3 games total: Action 52 for both Nintendo and Genesis, and Cheetahmen II for Nintendo. With prices of $100 a copy, you can understand why these babies didn't sell well. If you were one of the few who bought these games, you would be disapointed when you got home and started playing it.
The Cheetahmen are to Active Enterprises as Mario is to Nintendo. Active had this idea that their Cheetahmen game would sell really well. They were so confident of this that they even planned Cheetahmen action figures, dolls, comic books, and TV shows all of which were canned before they made shelves. Crummy games and high prices lead to low sales of Active's games.
You would have never guessed that Active Enterprises went out, just look at their stand at the Consumer Electronic Show 1994. Maybe if their games were done as nicely as this display, Active would still be here today. Calling all Cheetahmen. Aries! Apollo! Hercules! Where are you when I need you most?
Active Enterprises did have neato game cases. Clear cases are neat. I don't know why. They just are. Active put Action 52 (NES) and Cheetahmen II both in clear cases. Here this cheapness comes through again. For the Cheetahmen carts, Active took ACtion 52 carts and slapped gold labels reading "Cheetahmen II" on them. Some Cheetahmen II carts don't even have these labels. Whats going on with that?
Sometimes I wish that I could go down to my basement and produce Nintendo games for fun...and money. Everytime I get an idea like that, I think about Active and I quickly lose the thoughts. I surely don't want to turn into "The Next" Active Enterprises.