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Site launch on ??/??/2001
Created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA
By The Impavid One

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All original material © The Warp Zone - 2001.

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes would have been a really neat US release. I loved the Sherlock Holmes books (I read them all) so I was dissapointed when I learned that there was a Japenese release and no US release. I am not totally sure for I can't read Japenese, but you start the game in what is probably London. You walk through the town from the over view such as RPGs do. In the town, Sherlock can talk to people, probably searching for clues. After you leave the town, the game turns into a 2-d side scroller. In the 2-d side scroller sections (the pic at the right looks like a park) you have a cane (I think) to defend yourself with. You travel through the park dodging enemies which appear on ledges. The enemies chase you around and are hard to dodge. On the pic at the right, towards the top its hows a key. You probably need keys to open doors. How about warrents? Sherlock would have been a fun game to play in the US. I am not sure what the music is like, but it can't be that bad. Even Action 52 has some good music. Sometime I might have to import Sherlock Holmes for Famicom.
Warp Zone Drawings
All of these were drawn by hand

  • Golf - My drawing based off of the artwork on the old Nintendo game entitled Golf. This drawing turned out well, it was drawn on August 1, 2000.
  • Sorry, this is not 8-bit Nintendo related. Ever play Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest? I really liked that game for some reason and this is a map of the game's overworld. It was drawn in MS Paint and I can't remember what date I drew it. Looks very very cool though.
  • This is one of the first sprites of Super Mario Bros. characters I did.
  • The Koopa Troopa was always a classic Super Mario Bros. baddie. I drew this the same time I drew the goomba above.
  • This is my favorite of the sprites I drew. I have always liked the Hammer Bros. from Super Mario Bros...tough but neat.
  • What would it being drawing SMB sprites without including Mario?
  • The Pirahna plants are cool dudes. This drawing turned out the worst out of all seven I have shown here for it doesn't look all too accurate in the colors used. That pipe looks a little weird too...I'll have to play around with this a bit more...at a near date in the future. Hopefully this'll change but knowing me, it won't for awhile.