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Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
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The Impavid One AKA Mr. Smith, hero of Code Name: Viper
Did you ever want to talk to the designer of one of your favorite games? Well I always have, and now with the power of the internet, it became a reality. The interviews below are with the brilliant workers at some of the unlicensed Nintendo companies around. My first interview was with Jon Valesh, and in time there were more people who I interviewed.

Robert Bonifacio - Worker At Color Dreams
Cool dude Robert Bonifacio worked on King Neptunes Adventure for Color Dreams as well as various C64 games. H was nice enought to tell lots of interesting material.

Charles Johnson - Worker At Color Dreams
Charles worked on a few games for Color Dreams

Jim Meuer - Worker At Color Dreams
Jim talks about Baby Boomer, one of the games he made for Color Dreams

Nina Stanley - Worker At Color Dreams
Nina tells about her experiences as graphics designer at Color Dreams

Dan Burke - Worker At Color Dreams
Dan Burke talks about the games he made for Color Dreams as well as an interesting story about how he joined.

Roger Deforest - Worker At Color Dreams
Roger Deforest talks about the games he made while at Color Dreams as well as other games he made afterwards.

Martin Gee - Artist At American Video Entertainment
Martin talks about some of his art work he did for AVE

Dan Lawton - Color Dreams' Founder
Dan Lawton was the founder of Color Dreams. He explains why Color Dreams didn't license their games and other interesting facts.

Franz Lanzinger - Tengen/AVE Programmer
Franz Lanzinger worked on a few Tengen games as well as Krazy Kreatures by American Video Entertainment.

Steve Woita - Tengen Programmer
Steve Woita worked at Tengen. He tells a little about the never released game Police Academy he worked on.

Richard Frick - President Of American Video Entertainment
Richard Frick was the president of American Video Entertainment.

Michael Crick - Programmer Of 2 AVE Games
Michael Crick worked on two American Video Entertainment games, Dudes With Attitude and Trolls On Treasure Island.

Jon Valesh - Worker At Color Dreams
Jon Valesh worked on several Color Dreams games, including Operation Secret Storm and the never released Happy Camper.