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Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
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I really don't have much to say about this. Sometimes when you look back through old magazines or on boxes, you will see pics from stages that aren't in the game. Other times you may see impossible tasks to achieve. Below ou can see a limited amount of these screenshots. I have a few more to add later, but I don't have a scanner some they can be scanned in for now.

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

The first two pics I have to show are from the back of the Castlevania III box. The picture on the left shows an impossible feat: having Sypha and Alucard meet up. Normally when you meet up with Alucard, you either have Grant or nobody with you. This pic shows you having Sypha with and no matter what you do, this is impossible to do. The picture on the right shows an achievable task, but it is still probably from a beta version of Castlevania III. In the upper right hand
corner, you can clearly see Alucard's portrait as the other player in this level. This is not normally accessable unless you do one of two things. The two choices are playing through the whole game and taking Al there in the 2nd quest or typing your name in as OKUDA. This gives you Alucard at stage 1. Possibly the Konami workers used either of these methods to take this picture, but I do not think that it was this way. This is probably a beta shot from the game.

Super Mario Bros. 3

This is a classic screenshot taken from the back of the Super Mario Bros. 3 box. Ever since I got Super Mario Bros. 3, this screenshot has been bugging me crazy. This area appears no where in the game. I wrote a letter to NOA about this and they told me something like this "When games are in progress, many screenshots are taken for magazines and box arts. We can assure you that this level is not in the game. Most of the time we do not use pics that show levels which never made it into the final game, but sometimes these things do happen. We hope this helps you." This pic looks so cool though. The next pic we have is from the same Super Mario Bros. 3 box.
At first glance, this picture looks like the normal World 1 map screen. Closer examination reveals that the area around the castle is slightly different. I remember the night my brother and I spotted the difference. We were sitting on the couch veiwing the different boxarts and then we stared at the SMB3 box, examining the center picture. My brother then looked at the top picture (shown to right) and he said something like "The area around the castle is slightly different than it is in the released version." I looked, and he was right. It is poor on Nintendo's part to use two beta screenshots out of the three on the Super Mario bros. 3 box.