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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Challenge Of The Dragon is one of my favorite Color Dreams games. Providing gamers with good graphics, good music, and good game play, Challenge Of The Dragon is a game for all ages.

Game play reminds me of the arcade game Shinobi. You are this ninja dude who walks through towns and temples dueling with other ninjas. Challenge Of The Dragon is made up of ten different stages. At the end of the last stage you have to fight the evil wizard who is actually a pretty easy boss.

The ending in Challenge of the Dragon is good too, especially for a Color Dreams game. Sir Burkelott (your player) goes over to his girl and they kiss. It's basically your average ending, but still it's cool.

Challenge of the Dragon is not a very difficult game. There are a few hard stages, yet all of them are very manageable. The sound is also cool. I personally like the intro music and the stage music is your typical ninja style music.

Overall, Challenge of the Dragon is a fun game. I would definately get this one. If you like Shinobi, you'd like this game.

The Opening Screen