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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Title ScreenFree Fall was a fun little game that never made release on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Roger Deforest made Free Fall, then Vance Kozik later re-coded it when it was turned into FishFall on the Sunday Funday cart. Free Fall had tiny graphics and the title screen had little men falling from it, later replaced with fish in the Fish Fall game. Free Fall was certainly an interesting game even though it wasn't released.

As you can see from the title screen pic to the left, Free Fall was programmed in 1995. I believe that FreeFall plays like this. Little dudes fall from the top portion of the screen and you try to catch them and throw them up into a little box thing to score. FishFall plays like this so I would think that this would be the same for FreeFall.

Thanks to Roger Deforest for the information & pics